Commercial Excellence Award 2022
Danish Marketing Association wish to increase focus on good and value-creating marketing. In 2019 we introduced: The Commercial Excellence Award for the first time. We want to celebrate the best completed graduate thesis/graduation projects at Cand. merc and HD within this area: Commercial Excellence.
Update, September 24: Thanks for all your submissions. On September 18, we will announce the the three selected thesis that candidates to this years awards.
Signup (free) to this years Award Ceremony – click here and register.
27 October 2022, we invite you to award-cermony – the three best dissertations are announced.
1st. prize: DKK 25.000
2 x Runner-up: Each win: DKK 10.000
If you are a participant, student or just curious about what is happening in the field of commercial excellence, you are very welcome to participate (no fee).
The agenda will soon be published soon

Requirements for the thesis:
The award is given to a master thesis that has conclusions and/or recommendations on how a business’ commercial activities can be improved in such a way, that the company/organisations performance is improved.
The company’s performance includes indicators/areas such as:
*Market share growth
*Top line increase
*Customer Loyalty improvement
*Value Chain improvements
*Omni channel optimization
*Focus on environmental, social and corporate governance.
We also appreciate a creative mind and angle, new thinking – and of course good empirical grounding (an exciting company or industry – and a new creative way of approaching things!).
1st. prize: DKK 25.000
2nd and 3rd prize: DKK 10.000
+ prices from Danish Marketing Association.
*All who submit receives 1 year free digital membership of Danish Marketing Association.
How to
Deadline: September 23, 2022.
Register your:
1. Executive Summery,
2. Thesis (in english or danish)
3. Documentation for your assessment/grade.
October 18, we will announce the shortlist with three selected thesis.
October 27, 2022: The winner is awarded.
Please register your master thesis below
Please contact Danish Marketing Association,
Stine Aa, at email:
[email protected] or phone:
(+45) 38118787
Bredgade 19E, 1260 København K.